Happy birthday Abah!!!!
Alhamdulillah, arini besday abah (20March 2010)......birthday abah yg ke brp ek?? cpt teke?? xdpt teke, kire la sdiri......when I was born, he was 44 yrs old (i kan bb xcdent)......noWWW??? u kire la sdrik k!!~
Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umur abahku, berikanlah beliau kesihatan yg baik & berpanjangan agr dpt b;ibadah kpdMu!!! Amin....amin....ya rabbal alamin~~
(mak bc post ni msti jelez....hehe, obviously daddy loves me more, so tht;s y I luv him soooooooooo MucHHHH)
Abah is my hero!! (tbukti smlm.....he calms me down....)
He is d best father in d world,
He knows to cook, [ok la, dlu2 bila mak demam, abah la yg msk]
He is my driver, [dulu , kini, n kdg2....sbb skrg die dh bg kete kat aku, slh 1 sbb i syg lebih kt abah...........coz mommy said....NO NO CAr, but said....YES!!heee]
He is my father, my friend
He is handsome [ ini benar, kwn2 pn kt gtu, smpi kate.....xcaye la ayh u dh over 60s.....yes he is....ok!!]
Dan aku slalu bdoa aku dpt b'bakti kpd ibubapaku smpi bile2........[mak, tht's d reason y I dun wanna get married early....huhu.....sbnrnye alsn sbb xde calon...huhu....tu r keje mrejek org jer...pdn muke......tp xksh la....xbest pn org2 yg pnh propose tuh...] Sbb pe x best???? sbb aku blom jpe laki yg seBest my Father, bkn la sbjik....tp best!!!~ sum1 who will be a good father 4 my future children~~

P/s: plz pray 4 me & my friends & sp2 saje lah for our success in final exm (26/3-7/4) OSCE xtau ble......igt xmo update, tp sbb post ni ku gagahkn diri!!