Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

rajinnye saye!!!

wah!!! rajin plak update blog...rajin jgk sy pegi joggin pg td!!!!

hehe, sile tbeliak mate ek..............sbb pg ni ade cls @ 9am, tp 7am ++ tu i pegi jogging.........heee...........sronok! dpt irup udara segar bugar.....haha...

pastu lect ajor smpi 4 chptrs skaligus....huhu....

skrg ni xde la rs lapor sgt....tp, ble dh blk umh.......sme ade, bak kt pkck MMA: mcm2 ada....
jd uncontrollable...............fuhhhhhhhhhh, mamam n mamam laie,.............

trimas to my exrumet yg dtg mlwt + bg chocolate~ yummy, hnye dijual di langkawi aje tuh....hehe....

tp sbb bliau bg 4 jnis...............milk, dark, white............dpt la i rs sumenye...........wpn yg len2 pnh rs........hehe.........
ok laaa.........ciozz..

p/s: pg2 klu sejuk....water heater kan ade............now, pns2.............air-c0nd kan ade........heeeeee~