Yeay! dh anto soft bound fyp! hehe.......buleh la tdo dgn aman....kui3x....but er err... got 1 asgmt to do laa...hoho....
"Everything in this world is temporary. So don't worry, your bad days and sleepless nights, it'll end."
aku ske gler ayt kt ats ni.....insyaallah, it will end....
korg igt x post aku kt bwh ni, aku kt lupe private blog aku....aitu aku try2, leh la bkk......tgk2 last post dec 2009, with 45 post,,,,,,compared 2 diz one 147 posts...
currently: listening to khutbah jumaat live from surau blkg umh....hehe.....ckp psl, mcm2 rupenye sdkh ku tau....hihi....
ok....sdkh plg murah adlh snyum, tp phla nye bganda2!!1
jom la bsdkh! amar maaruf nahi mungkar....
ok, i nk g wat asgmt plak.................!@!