Bit suspen....act, I juz wanna highlight bout 1 Malaysia!~ oooo...
I'm a bit confused & shocked bout it coz, since standard 1, I'm aldy being in 1 malaysia?? hoho, ovcoz, I hv frensss from other races.....hoho. But then, I realized, some of my frens in my college do ask me bout, ohhh how would it be fren wif chinese, indians? how bout their culture? r u bla3x.....
I juz answered them, d feel is juz d same when u fren wif ur own race & rlgion. (but in my heart, i juz wanna tell that: at least they r far away btter than us!!~) y i said tht??? hehe, coz we didnt gossip bout each other!!! sincere in friendship, no harm. wht we talk juz bout~~hehe leng chai~~ hahaha........(oh, i do miss dat happy I am, no probs, & u dont hv 2 b hipocrite!! oh yaa tht;s d word!! )

so, for me 1 Malaysia is not weird thing or new thingy. As we r Malaysian, we shud b proud & respect each other. If u want others solute u, u must solute them 1st.
Ok, I do miss my mgps, mgss frenss.......ohhhh girls, bila nk buat reunion???
Miss n luv u all sooo muchh~~