Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Nak dijadikan cerita last nite i cannot sleep until 3 am, what? uh huh.... due to too much sugar intake (mkn buah kuini @mangga tu lerr.. yg mnis glerr). Penah dgr hyperglycemia? Hyperglycemia = when u eat too much sigar and ur blogg sugar levels get too high. ngerti??Dan jika anda mkn lewat mlm, ia akan buat anda sukar tdo. hewhew... this happened to me alwiz!!! but alwiz ate no matter wht :p . So, sila lah eat high protein meal during bfast n lunch only~ kuini or quiona is high protein meal ye ank2!!

2ndly, did u know that : menonton screen tv or pc akan myebabkan pineal gland drp merembeskan hormon melatonin???? uh huh ! MELATONIN hanye bkerja @dirembes naturally pabila skeliling kte golap gulita, di mana kte akan rs huyung hayang n akan tdor dgn nyenyak nye xlame kmdian.hehe. But!!!! Klu dh stay up nengok tv n pc tu smpi bedtime, anda akan sukar tdo wpn penat glerrr ... (ptut la, smlm duk dpn pc cm hape je)Blue light drp tv n pc = chya sang suria subuh... (lebih lanjut google lerr)

3rd, no chocolate during night hours pun cannot coz too high glucose ok!!!! hewhew

JADI, ADEKAH ANDA PERNAH MENDENGAR TTG INSOMNIA? KESUKARAN UNTUK TIDUR macam Saya??? *this rarely happened to me, unless the 3 factors i;ve mentioned above*

Jika ya, sila lah google cara mengatasi nya, selain drp sbb2 yg sy berikan di ats, ade byk lg penyebab nye, mgkin juga anda STRESS , TERLEBIH Tdur Waktu siang?

Now I feel so sleepy ~ hehee~