Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aku duduk zmn kuno dolu2....hehe...

Tiba2 t'igt, aku pnah melalui zmn itu, ohhh btape kuno ms itu, wpn di alaf br 2005, tp still kuno...

Nak tau ape mksudnye itu???

Meh tgk gmbor...nie....

Nie la yg aku mksudkn....pnh pki x bnde ni??? klu tnye bdk2 skrg, sah2 la mrke xtau ape kejadahnye mnde ni....huhu, tp inilah yg mbntu di awl2 khdpn bgelar pljr matrik... DISKET

Ok yg ni plak, name nye pdrve.....awl2 dlu pndrive aku ade la sket rupe ni kot....256 mmb je kot,....dpki ms 2nd yr kt ma3x, smpi laa....1st yr dgree kot....pastu tmtlah rwytnye msuk lam longkang bsr dpan cf bro....huhu....sadis.....

Haa....nie plak my 2nd pendrive...hehe....sbjik cmni laaa....aku bli dgn rm63....gilak hl tym 2007 tuh...

Ok ni my 3rd pdrive, zmn ni murah gler, lgpn aku g bli kt lowyat....rm24 ke bp nth, tp kurg 30.....nak bli 8gb, tp sbb xde red color, so xjdk....if 8 gb, 45 ke bp je nth...

hurmm.....nie plak aku dpt err....2nd hand pnye je....tp bsyukur....dpt ms 2nd sem 1st yr dgre...huhu....lm gk die bjase kt aku... smpilaaa cuti 3rd yr br ni...pastu die ngajok sbb aku xbwk die p men kt genting gk...huhu...

And lastly, hrp2 bthn laaa bpuluh2 thun.....nie aku pnye....hehehe....1sthand....ok laaa, mbantu ku mbuat research......jgn nkl2 ye cik lappie...~

hoho....itu laa zmn2 kekunoan ku.....bdk2 skrg xmrase mnde2 gnie.....blom bis skolah dh dpt lappie sbjik....huhu......ehhh....ade 1 lg, Cd....tp cd ni aku pki since f5, duk dload lagu lam ni, pastu putar belit kat radio....hehehe....

k till then, wassalam....

p/s: sok clinical exm, i got adult pt.....and hv 2 help my frensss for their exm coz they got kid as their pt...hehe