Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mari2.....join GA ni!!

cak2!!! hehe....comel xbrg2 kt ats ni?? hehe....nak ke??? percuma tau niee....

toink3.....xcaye lg???? pcaye laaa.....sile sabar, bc smpi bwh ye....

hehe.....sy tipu.....klu xcaye, sila klik sini......haaa, ape yg korg nk bg sbb sy xtipu td...hehe

tp nak dpt mnde ni scara percuma ade syarat2 nye.... jom kte tgk!!!!!!! sape yg kena!!

Syarat2 nk msuk GA ni sgtlah sonang: meh2 tgk...

1. Ok, sy dh jdk follower!!!

2. Ok, akan mbuat sdmkian spt yg disuruh, aftr dh ciap, akan link ke cmnt post GA ini..

3.. Wat entri psl blog n GA ini.....done!

4. Saya kategori ke-2....btoi x?? hehe...sy adalah seorang pelajar tahun akhir di satu2nya, universiti islam di malaysia....cpt teka!!!! hehe...:-p

kategori 1 = kategori untuk ibu2(untuk anak2 kcik mereka)

kategori2 = kategori student(skul,kolej or u)

kategori3 = bekerja...

Oklah, jom kte memeriahkan suasana blog GA ini,....hehe....^_^