Hallooo there!!! It's been 2 days I didnt update my blog. hehe, coz excited consuming too much of beef!!~
Raya Qurban this year was awesome! I had so much fun. I guess evry raya Qurban is d best compared wif raya Eidulfitri celebration. But eidulfitri is fun too coz I get lots n lots of duit raya. Eiduladha is more meaningful for adults I guess, coz we can gathered n do qurban in our kampung. aBOVE are d pics I've captured dat day.
I still rmbr last raya qurban, we had fmly gathering from our grand-grandfather sides. So, it;s quite memorable, myb once in a life time (if they dun hv any intention to held it later in d future). hehe, I wrote bout it in my previous blog, but i cant link it coz it has bcame a private blog now.
As usual, early in d morning, I went to d mosque to perform Solat sunat raya wif my fmly. & then we went to our "kampung" in d middle of Ktn town. hehe, my parents n siblings join d qurban, & I;m there help a lil bit , but most of d time, I'm d photographer...haha. but b4 that, we enjoying d pot luck. I still rmbr d moment I enjoying my meal, suddenly there was "perahsantan" guy kept asking me, " u xknl i ke? u xpnh tgk mke i ke?" Actually I wanted to say to him " if u r medic or doc or whtsoever, u igt i heran ke? y shud i knoe u? I'm not tkg d same course as urs, so y shud i know u? bla3x, i wanted to say it loud, but we r in centre of attention, so I just behave myself. I f only my mom, aunties were not there, I will say it loud. (ok, enough 4 dat, I want to 4get bout dat moment, wif d most annoying ppl in d world)
Then, yesterday, my kazen's engagement day. She was in pink, like it!!~ hehe. After that, at night, my uncle held a "kenduri", so mkn2 gulai kawah, d sambal is superb, so HOOOTTTT. Whtever it is, I enjoyed this raya.
p/s: plz pray 4 my friends, me & whoever is waiting 4 d results. smoge kami sume lulus dgn cemerlang dlm exm, dunia, n akhrt! amin...insyaAllah
"Katakanlah kepada hamba-hambaKu yang beriman hendaklah mereka mendirikan sembahyang dan mendermakan dari apa yang kami kurniakan kepada mereka, sama ada dengan merahsiakan pemberiannya itu atau dengan terbuka; sebelum datangnya hari yang tidak ada jual beli padanya, dan tidak ada sahabat handai (yang dapat memberikan pertolongan)." (Surah Ibrahim:31)
Raya Qurban this year was awesome! I had so much fun. I guess evry raya Qurban is d best compared wif raya Eidulfitri celebration. But eidulfitri is fun too coz I get lots n lots of duit raya. Eiduladha is more meaningful for adults I guess, coz we can gathered n do qurban in our kampung. aBOVE are d pics I've captured dat day.
I still rmbr last raya qurban, we had fmly gathering from our grand-grandfather sides. So, it;s quite memorable, myb once in a life time (if they dun hv any intention to held it later in d future). hehe, I wrote bout it in my previous blog, but i cant link it coz it has bcame a private blog now.
As usual, early in d morning, I went to d mosque to perform Solat sunat raya wif my fmly. & then we went to our "kampung" in d middle of Ktn town. hehe, my parents n siblings join d qurban, & I;m there help a lil bit , but most of d time, I'm d photographer...haha. but b4 that, we enjoying d pot luck. I still rmbr d moment I enjoying my meal, suddenly there was "perahsantan" guy kept asking me, " u xknl i ke? u xpnh tgk mke i ke?" Actually I wanted to say to him " if u r medic or doc or whtsoever, u igt i heran ke? y shud i knoe u? I'm not tkg d same course as urs, so y shud i know u? bla3x, i wanted to say it loud, but we r in centre of attention, so I just behave myself. I f only my mom, aunties were not there, I will say it loud. (ok, enough 4 dat, I want to 4get bout dat moment, wif d most annoying ppl in d world)
Then, yesterday, my kazen's engagement day. She was in pink, like it!!~ hehe. After that, at night, my uncle held a "kenduri", so mkn2 gulai kawah, d sambal is superb, so HOOOTTTT. Whtever it is, I enjoyed this raya.
p/s: plz pray 4 my friends, me & whoever is waiting 4 d results. smoge kami sume lulus dgn cemerlang dlm exm, dunia, n akhrt! amin...insyaAllah
"Katakanlah kepada hamba-hambaKu yang beriman hendaklah mereka mendirikan sembahyang dan mendermakan dari apa yang kami kurniakan kepada mereka, sama ada dengan merahsiakan pemberiannya itu atau dengan terbuka; sebelum datangnya hari yang tidak ada jual beli padanya, dan tidak ada sahabat handai (yang dapat memberikan pertolongan)." (Surah Ibrahim:31)