While I was blog-walking, suddenly I found a "senpai's" blog. Things she wrote really "m'insafkn" me. Do u wanna knoe d content? She said that, if she couldn't stop others being "social", it's better 4 her not to go to that particular event. Thanks to her, made me think bout myself, my friends & d environment. Eventhough we didn't join that particular grups or watsoever, but if we're at d same place, we have d job 2 b done here!
I keep reading, n reading, then I realized, evry1 has diff point of view as we r brought up from diff places, time, and cultures. So, I think when I'm writing diz blog, sum1 can take benefits from it, share wif others.
I keep thinking again, d way my snior approach others r diff, compared to others. Diz is wht we called "dakwah yg bkesan n bhemah ye kwn2". Not juz accusing ppl around u, not being so n so. Hv u ever checked their background, how they r raised up, how d cultures. If diz simple tiny thingsss u dun even take a look, or even a glance. How can u "bdakwah" to other religions???
So, things to ponder here, look back at urself b4 u stat accusing others. Then, see d thing or ppl u wanna approach. And then, u list out strategies to b done (mcm metacognitive skills aku blajo la plak). SO, I want to say OUT LOUD that, it's ok wif me coz I'm an OPEN-MINDED person. But how bout others, who cant accept ur advice???? By "tegor" them here n there, it will not solve ur porblem,k! It just getting things worse!!! (and sumtimez they can even hate U!!!! i told diz from my friend's experience)
I think I wanna write more here, but it seems my "bebelan" is lengthy enough. So, I got to STOP here. I write diz juz as my own opinions, if u not satisfied or whtsoever, complaining bout my language, my knowledge, my opinions.....BACK-OFF guyss!!! This is a personal blog, a way for me express my feeling!!!~
"Berkenalanlah kpd Allah pd waktu senang, nescaya Allah akan kenal kamu pada waktu susah. Orang yg menuju Allah dgn b'jln kaki, maka Allah akan menujunya secara berlari"