Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Monday, March 19, 2012

edi-C rojak tuk ke brape kali entah...

Ari ni sy amk cootiii, tp mlm td sy vomit +nausea melampausss... tbe2 nyesal lak nape xamk mc je...huhu

Pastu sy bukak email opis, ade meeting kat KL diz friday (sentap ok, klu tau gne cuti tu for diz saturday tuk bjimba2)

Then, sy rs xpe la, syiok jgk cooottiii, rs mau coootttii lg esok. buleh kah? ohoiiiii

So feeling rite now = happy cuti, sedih sbb cuti dh kurg, bengang sbb ni ujung bln klu g kl bkn leh soppin pn, campur baur.....tp itulah idup, there alwiz at least 2 roads 4 u , but u can only choose 1. make a wise decision.... spt entri bwh ini. less taken....tht make big difference in ur life.