Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Traveling tips :)

What should I bring for holidays?
How many clothes should I bring?
Which handbag/slingbag or bags should I bring?

Sounds familiar?

Then u started to write down all the things that u need to bring and budget here n there...

First of all, this entry is based by my own experience (di-kala-kelapangan-buhsan-cte kt tv xbest),
u can pollow those tips if it is beneficial for u , okay?

Let's begin y'all!!

#1 Make a list

buat kat sticky note cmni pn xpe dah

Divide into
4 pairs of long sleeve shirts
2 jeans
4 serkup
4 tudung
~lingeries u all decide lah sdri...uhuks~
maybe kain batik, it is useful ok for gantii towel n as selimut oso! (haha ni cm g camping la pulak)


tooth brush, toothpaste
facial wash
~decide lah sdri , deodorant, perfume, make up n so on bla3x~

c)imprtant things

of coz ur wallet -with ic, passport n so on..... $$$$
notebook n pen = bg yg pelupes mcm i :p

d) budget
tulis lerr budget anda yer supaya x over budget mcm i slalu :p


-umbrella (if u travel using public transport including overseas trip)
-or rain coat much lighter
-wet tissues
-brg2 keperluan gegirl ....lu pk la sdrik
-extra brooches ( sbb mn la nk tau tbe2 brooch korg msuk dlm toilet bowl ke, cicir ke.....nti ang pki tdung mcm hana tajima je la lps tu.... lol)
-mineral botlle, some food (usually bring chocs or biscuits in sachet tu aje... untuk elakkan gastrik)
-maybe some ubt2 or ointments

--nk cte psl list pn dh pjg bjela2-- nk samb ke x ni.....sabor2.....

#2 Plan ur trip

a) transport
- if u r alone or with partner or going to overseas better choose public transport
-if with a bunch of people, car is better :)

b) accomodation
-if u have any fmly or friends , better stay at theirs as korang pn nk tdo je kannn (tp jgn smpi nyusahkan laa)
-if u dun hv, just find a budget hotel that is safe for u esp girlsss

c) food
-outside malaysia it is hard to find a halal restaurant
-so better bring any sandwich or buns or anything lerr for backup

d) souvenirs outlet (ni penting wo, japg org cr svnir dr kte, sah2 ko kne bli byk tp nk yg murah, so survey lah awl2 ehhh)
-pls update with current currencies exchange ( aku tgh ckp psl overc travel ke ni)

e) tempat2 menarik laa tuk dikunjungiiii  ( senang budget cost & time)
-if dh plan awl2 , it is more easier, better cr org yg expert or pnh pegi tht place, lg jmt mase (n tenaga, hahhaa faktor2 penuaan npk)

f) bring along a map...sonang sikit

-ni klu korg ni lone ranger or newbies, bek bwk map, sbb xsmua org yg korg tnye tu tau jln or locals , sumtimes ade jgk org jht... ohhh dunia skrg, who knows

#3 Budget

Budget same mcm plan ur trip, but just note, ur budget for each item, so sng la korg nk bwk duit brp byk.....nk exchange lg

#4 Bag

Bag terpulang lah, trolley bag ke, bagpack ke, yg mn selesa

If travel by own transport, handbag ok, but public transport mybe sling bag much easier (tp sling bag bahaya jgk coz some ppl said, if org nk meragut, bahaya sbb nti patah tgkuk bagai. if handbag peragut just grab) so, pk la sdri , tp korg xkan nk jln kt tmpt pragut or prone to pragut sng nk ragut kan.... klu nk jln by roadside tu. makesure la ur bag is inside, n jln lah jauh dr roadside. & plz jln kat tmpt rmi org.

#5 Last but not least

-Bace doa sblom btolak, semase pjlnn, spjg pjlnn smpi lah pulang

-Ur parents bless ")

-& Doa bebanyak la smoge korg slamat sampai n selamat pulang.

ok, u can alwiz see my previous entry , ade sikit2 tips psl aku pegi JB-Spore tu.

-ade ke org nk bc post merepek aku ni haaa....lol, tp xpe, ni my personal virtual diary, who cares, klu nyampah jgn baca-Warning gtu-

(monolog: tiba2 rs buat entri bmanfaat sket tp agk bcelaru.....)