Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Sy kipassusahmatie pnyanyi no1 mesia!!!!!!! sp tau , angkt kaki cpt!!!!!

Dulu, ms umo 12/14 thun, tp mcm 14....tp rs cm dh lm, xmatured lg.....sy ade msuk ptndgn pe nth, sbb suke tgk mtv asia ke pe nth....(xigt) tp....dpt 1 call dr mtv, adik, nti kte akan call adk ckp dgn ct ye...hehe....wahhh......sronok....tggu pnye tguu....xde pn dorg call,  mgkin ms tu aku huhaaa sgt kot lam tepon, ye r unexpected call......tp xksh pn, msuk sore je lam tv, pe kes...???

Pastu, ms 16 thun n 17 thun, slalu pegi FMI.....kt dpn uia tu je.....tiap2 thun gmbo dgn ct, ehehe...nti la, klu aku jupe gmbo2 tu blk, aku upload.....heeeeeee~

Owh, sblom tu, zmn2 ct x fofular lg, sy pnh jupe die kt alpha angle, pki spec beso....tp ms tu xbwk cmra, hehe....rugi2....

Hehe.........dr umo 8 thun smpi la skrg dh 24 thun, sy mmg minat ct....minatku xpnh pudar :-p

Nak2 klu ct pki mcm ni, lg i suke.....sejuk mate memandang...

p/s: cume skrg xde la over excited nk g tmpt2 yg rmi org...hahaha....