Warning!!! This is a personal blog owned by a-girl-not-yet-a-woman, so she's a lady. She has her own view about the world. Please ignore the words-spelling-sentences-grammatical error that girl (I) used. If you want to copy any links, topics, pictures just let me know and link it back here. Thank you.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Haruskah menulis entri sbgini?? gaye mcm bdk drjh 1 br blk skolah je....haishhh...

xde pape pn nk cte (internet addicted sguh), cume arini aku pose ganti beb!!! 1 day to go!

lalu pg td, melantak la ns + kuih2 muih, ok i terliur sudah (susun molek2 ats piring, muffin bluberi, buttercookies, yg dcelup choc pn ade, bluberi n stroberi cheesetart) fuhhh mujur x mkn muffin choc skali....bajet2 dh byk gain energy, lalu xminum air susu! pastu ms tgh jupe lect biostat, mula prot krokrek....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......pastu nk ilangkn laporr....on9, pastu ckp psl mkn? hishhh, kurg phla...hahaa.....

sdg bkira2 mau gnti sok atau kmis lak? hehe, tkot2 cny nk g mryp dgn my girlsss...huhu...~

muffins --> choc n bluberi tu, wat sdrik
buttercookies--> akk i buat, pastu i plak gtl2 celup lam choc, pastu buh choc chop skali ...hehe
cheesetart--> blurberi n stroberi tu, akk ipar i bli kt opis die, byk gler, skrg pn xbis lg, tp rs nye mcm mau expired je....hoho....tp tkot nk mkn, tkot gmoook, wpn mmg sdia gemss...hehe...

ok la...dh2 la tu ckp psl mknn....

p/s: ble xon9, byk plak idea2 yg dtg.....nti laa aku tlis pjg lbor psl mnde2 yg i pk tuhhh...~